Monday, 23 January 2012

Lyrics Training

I like this particular website because it is interesting. Learners can learn language while listening to songs and having fun.

This way be used in classroom where the teacher plays the song and ask the students to fill in the blanks. This exercise can be done as a warm up activity or an activity at the end of the lesson. Students find it interesting to listen to music and learn language through songs. This way can also encourage autonomous learning. Learners can listen to the songs on their own and fill in the blanks. They also can choose the level that suits their proficiency .
This website enhances listening and vocabulary learning. It also improves reading since students have to read fast while filling in the blanks but it cannot be the main source of language learning because it is not enough. It does not discuss the main aspects of language properly like strategies of reading and listening, grammatical rules, etc. This website is useful to improve or enhance language learning.

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