Friday, 17 February 2012

Dvolver Moviemaker

 is a good website for creating simple videos to present some idea. You choose on of many settings to create the video you like and you can also add music to the video. then, you can send them to as many recipients as you want via email.

this website can be used in classroom context to demonstrate certain ideas in an unusual way. it is perfect for teenagers, and good for young learners. the teacher can teach students dialogue patterns using this website like in this example. also, this can be used to present examples of grammatical rules. then the video can be presented in the classroom. another idea is that the teacher can ask the students to make a video about the topic they had in the class which can be a grammatical rule and they can make a conversation or a short scene using this rule and send it to the teacher for feedback.
this website is limited in terms of the options offered. and it is limited in time and space available for writing so you should be concise and brief.

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