Monday, 13 February 2012

Quest Garden

Quest Garden Garden is suitable for teachers who want to create their own materials. It encourages group work  and engage students in tasks taken from real life.
 Through Quest Garden teachers can create their own webquests depending on the level and interests of their students. There are several stages for designing a task so the student can go through several processes to achieve the end goal.
The exciting thing about this site is that tasks can be presented with pictures or videos which can be attached easily from the web or from the teacher's own data. This website  also encourages autonomous learning because while designing the webquest, the teacher can provide links as resources for extra reading.

What is good about this site is that the teachers can make use of other teachers’ webquests and even provide a feedback for each of them.

How can this website foster language learning?
The teacher can create a webquest through which the tasks are based on using the language. Different processes require different language skills. For example, speaking and listening can be a part of the group work and reading in L2 happens when  providing the texts and the extra reading in L2. The students can be assigned homework depending on their work though the tasks. Thus, learning happens indirectly through student's fulfilling in tasks taken from real life.
However, this website is not always helpful because it is time consuming. The designer should have a lot of time to design a webquest because he should always consider the students need and interest and gives a high importance to the aim or goal to be achieved. Also, not all webquests provided can be depended on because not all of them are of good quality so this also requires the teacher a good time to evaluate and choose the suitable webquest. One last point to be added is that this site can lead to the distraction of student's attention in that students can be distracted from the main task while surfing the net and discovering the links provided.
the following link is a lesson I designed for students who are about 14 years old. It is a lesson about planning a trip to London. 

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