Wallwisher is an exciting website for sharing ideas and comments. It has an attractive design in which notes are shown in an arbitrary order. It is easy to make wall and let others post on it. There are many options you have when you create the wall like changing the colors and design of the wall. Also, there is the option of controlling who can post on the wall by choosing the choice of approving the posts before being posted on the wall. Another option is to either let others post without signing in, and in this case you will not know who posted on the wall; or allow posting only when signing in to know the name of who posted. Wallwisher has the interesting feature of being able to post notes, pictures, videos, and even links.
It can be used in the classroom in many ways such as make students guess what the lesson is about after giving them a general idea about it and make them post their ideas on the wall as a warm up activity. Another activity is that at the end of the class the teacher gives the outline of the next lesson and ask students to have a role in preparing it such as gathering information about the specified topic and they can post what they have found. They can post whatever they feel as related such as photos, videos and links and the teacher can organize them in the lesson.This website can be used to give a feedback for the course in general or for a specific class so they can have a say in the classroom and feel as a part of it not only as receivers of information.
Nevertheless, this website is not preferred by all teachers because it is somehow chaotic in that ideas are presented randomly and they hide each other and need to be organized and this may consume a lot of time to see all the posts. Also, the source of information is the net only you cannot use your own information or data taken from your own computer. Another thing to be considered is that the participation of all students is not guaranteed.
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